If you could spend $260 and get $26,000 in return, would you do it?

What if that same $260 could also save you time and frustration?

I know...bold claim for a newsletter.

But think about it.

If you're a real entrepreneur with a real business, it takes just ONE thing to be worth it.

I'm not here to sell you a course you don't have time for.

The Briefing is simply a twice-monthly email that takes just 10 minutes to read.

I've built and sold multiple companies over the last 16 years. I do the same job you do (CEO) and want to help you get better at it.

Oh, one more thing.

If you’re not happy at the end of your first 12 months of reading The Briefing, I’ll refund your $ no questions asked.

LIMITED TIME OFFER - $199 vs. Regular Price of $260

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